Live with the End in Mind

living without regret mission mortality purpose self help values vision Apr 03, 2024
A couple gazing at the night sky

Have you ever wondered how to live a life without regrets?  Or, at least minimizing the regrets?  One of the primary challenges we face at the end of life are reconciling our regrets, “Who do I need to forgive?  Who do I need to ask forgiveness from?  Who do I need to tell or from whom do I need to hear ‘I love you?’ Or, ‘Thank you?’”  Wouldn’t it be nice to have few or even no regrets?

I’m a huge fan of  Stephen Covey’s, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." His second habit, "Begin with the End in Mind” is deeply insightful in living a life filled with purpose.  Tweaking it to, “Living with the End in Mind” might seem a bit morbid but on the contrary, it's a principle that can infuse our everyday lives with profound focus and satisfaction.


"Begin with the End in Mind" is more than just a mantra. It's a philosophy that encourages us to visualize our desired outcomes before we even embark on our journey. This vision then becomes a 'finish line' that informs our planning and execution. It's not about rushing to the end but about making each step count because we know where we're going.


Living with the end in mind is not about focusing on our mortality. It's about understanding our most important goals, our deepest values, and our highest aspirations. It's about crafting a personal mission statement that reflects our vision and values.

When we start our day, our tasks, and even our relationships with the end in mind, we engage in activities that align with our deepest values. This synergy brings a sense of fulfillment, joy, and purpose to our everyday actions.


1. Clarity: When we live with the end in mind, we gain clarity about what truly matters. This helps us make decisions that align with our values and goals.  “Do I want to spend another hour at the office working or is my time better spent going to my child’s soccer game?”

2. Focus: Knowing our end goal helps us prioritize our tasks. We can focus our time and energy on what brings us closer to our desired outcome.

3. Fulfillment: Living with the end in mind allows us to live authentically and in line with our personal mission. This leads to a deep sense of fulfillment. 

Stephen Covey's second habit, "Begin with the End in Mind," is not just a productivity principle. It's a way of life that can lead us to live with more purpose, satisfaction and joy.  When we keep our end in mind, every step becomes meaningful, every task purposeful, and every moment filled with potential. So, let's start living with the end in mind, for in doing so, we truly begin to live.

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